Thursday, February 18, 2010

Baby Drank Baby Oil My 1 Year Old Drank Baby Oil?

My 1 year old drank baby oil? - baby drank baby oil

My son is 1 years drank a cup of baby oil. I find nothing on the bottle says it is dangerous to drink, but said he avoided conumption too. Should I worry?


Cortney R said...

There have been cases where children died from drinking baby oil to ... particularly the development of aspiration pneumonia. I do not know how much he drank, but I would call my doctor and see if we can get it removed. If by chance you need to start acting funny develop, shortness of breath or fever, for it immediately.

I found this:

• The liquid hydrocarbons (LPG) are poisonous. These include gasoline, kerosene, lighter fluid, paint, baby oil, lamp oil and furniture polish.

• If you included hydrocarbons, they can easily enter the lungs. Even small amounts can lead to diseases of the respiratory tract. The liquid coated the lungs. This prevents oxygen into theBloodstream.

Katrina P said...

I heard a story in which a child becomes ill after drinking baby oil, I think I drank a good deal, but was made because the oil in the lung, who was ill, I suggest you go to the emergency room and help the more you drive, the worse, perhaps his little puke is good. Good luck

Mommy of 2 said...

Call poisoning. 1-800-222-1222, and they will be able to help! (FYI call it free and who can call 24 hours a day - much to have on hand if you have kids!) Your child will probably be ok - probably say that maybe a little diarreah sick in the stomach or some but it should be fine.

My daughter ate some of the things that once ass rash cream stick, and it was good, but I'm scared! :)

twowords said...

Extrerme could cause nausea and can lose a lot of fluid in this way. If you do not take him to a DR soon try sticking your finger into the mouth gag lil catch up. Hey, it's an emergency.


fantasti... said...

What do you know bye baby oil? that, lotion, or things like that? If things are so, you might want with him to the doctor.
That was very soon!

Karen lvn said...

Poison Control 1-800-222-1222
Probably there will no diarrhea, when it was quiet, but the baby oil to be known, sure.

Do not induce vomiting

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